In recent years, it's become a popular cosmetic . By the end of this phase, the piercing is considered almost healed. In this comprehensive guide, we'll show you everything you need to know to keep your piercing healthy so it will always look beautiful. Don't touch a new piercing or twist the jewelry unless you're cleaning it. With piercings, healing occurs from the outside in. A rejecting navel piercing may look red and irritated, and may also experience swelling and discharge. Check in with a healthcare provider if you really start to feel unwell or the swelling and redness refuse to go away (or get worse) even after youve tried a few home treatment options, If you feel like the infection is spreading and progressing, its time to see someone, states Dr. Hodes. During this stage, you should be thorough with the aftercare procedures. Body Piercing GuideSites, Styles, What to Expect, Healing, and Care, LEARN ABOUT BYRDIE'S EDITORIAL GUIDELINES. Each piece has a ball surrounded by a hoop that nestles into the belly button, as well as several dangling beads for added ornamentation. While mild itching may be normal especially in new piercings, if it becomes unbearable it is time to see a doctor. After washing your hands with soap and water, rinse the area with warm water. Although you may think a belly button piercing wouldnt hurt that much due to being on your stomach, it will hurt slightlyjust like any other piercing. The average healing time for belly button piercings is between 6 and 12 weeks, so it is important to be patient and allow the piercing to fully heal before changing the jewelry or engaging in any activities that could irritate the piercing. Isabelle has been contributing to Byrdie since 2020. During that time -- as well as after -- you'll need to take extra care of this area. You should always be aware of any signs of the belly button piercing becoming infected. So, if youre going to do it, make sure youre in it for the long haul.. Belly buttons are typically pierced with 12 gauge jewelry, which is around 2 mm in diameter. Wait until it is time to clean it so you can use cotton swabs. Don't rely on amateurs or DIY videos when it comes to getting a body piercing. Use a warm compress. With old piercings, swellings could occur if the piercing is subjected to trauma and one side is scarred and hard as a result of formation of scar tissue. It is recommended that you clean the infected piercing twice each day to cure it. With so many. Keep the piercing clean and avoid any trauma being exerted on it. Be consistent with the aftercare for quick healing. A belly button piercing will most likely take anywhere from six months to a year to fully heal depending on how you care for it and your day-to-day lifestyle; however, the most common time frame is between six and eight months Regardless, its important to check with your piercer when you believe its healed before stopping aftercareif it's still healing, the site could become infected. To get rid of the swelling and red coloration, apply ice on the piercing. In most cases, this can be noted by the ring tending to look bigger that it initially was as the piercer always gives room for swelling when inserting the jewelry. You'll feel a sharp pinch and can expect a small amount of. Thats a lengthy timeframe that extends your risk of eventually getting some sort of infection. : Draw attention to your sexy midriff with one of our dangly belly button rings! , 2 more days til preorder ends for the new FK, The Cheyenne Sol Nova Unlimited 5.0 is on the, Artist and Owner @yetitears debunks a common a. Weve got news for you PMU artists out there!!! While earlobe piercing is very common and usually straightforward, your belly button is probably an area of your body that doesnt really want to be pierced, says Dr. Hodes. Belly button piercings have been popular for a long timeand for good reason. This will avoid exerting trauma on it. This long healing time is due to the location of the piercing. Avoid those with waistbands that run across the belly button and opt for those cut to be worn low. Avoid as much as you can scratching the area as this could delay the ring healing or cause bleeding which is bad for the piercing. Youll need to wait 20 to 30 minutes after application to experience the full benefits of a topical anesthetic, but once youre numb, youll experience more pressure than pain during the navel piercing process. Belly buttons are . Youll need to wait 20 to 30 minutes after application to experience the full benefits of a topical anesthetic, but once youre numb, youll experience more pressure than pain during the navel piercing process. A warm saline solution administered with a cotton pad would suffice. In extreme cases, your bodys response to the infection could lead to sepsis and a need for urgent medical attention. Do not remove them with bare hands as this could irritate the wound. If it seems that pressure is more the issue than moisture, ask your piercer to take a look and swap your jewelry for a longer barbell. However, . These fun navel rings feature charms that overlay your belly button and bent barbells that go through your belly piercing from the top down, with the ball screwing on the bottom behind the charm. To remove your old jewelry, unscrew the top ball of your belly button ring and pull down gently on the bottom ball until the barbell slides out through the bottom of the piercing. These prolong the healing process. It is possible for a belly piercing to heal in a week, but it is extremely rare. To prevent the area from getting chaffed by your skirts, dresses, pants, shorts and clothes in general, wear them loose. A standard belly button piercing is placed about 1/2-1 above the belly button, traveling down and out through the upper lip of the navel cavity. This is the secondary healing stage and marks the second phase of the belly button piercing healing stages. available, it can be tempting to change your starter jewelry soon after having your navel pierced. How fast your piercing heals depends on how well taken care of it is. Then, rinse it with warm water until all traces of soap are gone. If you want to keep your piercing for the long term, put jewelry in it all the time. I highly recommend going here for first timers and anyone who wants . Stage Three: In this stage, the piercing is healed. There is no timeline for this since the healing durations for each individual vary. You will notice a clear or slightly yellowish discharge which may form crusts around the jewelry. Because the skin on your stomach is fleshy, its true that you can probably expect it to be less painful than some sort of cartilage piercing. Most likely, a curved piercing needle will be used and will be followed by a bent barbell or possibly a captive bead ring. Dip the q-tips or non-woven gauze in the salt water and dab the area gently. If you go to a salon to get your piercing, a trained piercer will pass a sterile, hollow needle through the loose skin of your navel. Keloids can look like scars, but they are actually the result of a genetic issue that affects a very small percentage of the population. Some people choose to have their belly button pierced in a different configuration. An abscess could also form around the piercing. While for some it may take a few days to close up and a few more to toughen and heal completely, for others it may take months. You can then insert the taper into your piercing and use it to pull the rest of the jewelry through. For some, this may be as long as 12 months. Its the sort of change that will be noticeable.. ), If you suspect an infection in your belly button piercing, its time to up your cleaning game. Some studios may even have you pay a separate fee entirely for both the piercing itself and the jewelry. You can consult your piercer and enquire if you can use tea tree oil or lavender oil to hasten the healing process. Since the piercing is done within, knowing the stages involved in the healing process can help tell when the piercing has healed. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, infection creeps into a new piercing. To remove your old jewelry, unscrew the top ball of your belly button ring and pull down gently on the bottom ball until the barbell slides out through the bottom of the piercing. : Venus hoops are attractive belly button rings that fill the belly button and extend a bit beyond it. A belly button piercing, also known as a navel piercing, is a piece of jewelry thats typically inserted through the skin, directly above the belly button. You could also be allergic to material it is made from. That makes the placement of a belly button piercing and the gauge of your, important to a belly piercings success. Appropriate after care will result in fast and effective healing. These are most common in new piercings. : These are a little different from your normal belly button rings. : Flip fashion upside-down with our reverse belly button rings! : Our solid 316L surgical steel belly button rings make great starter jewelry. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. Avoiding an infection during that time requires a commitment to cleanliness. Stages of a Piercing's Healing Process After the procedure has been carried out, the piercing will take at least six months to heal. Hypergranulation occurs as the result of excess moisture and/or pressure, which can both be an issue with new belly button piercings. Navel piercings can range in cost, but they're $40-$60 at most piercing places. Place a warm compress on the infected piercing. Use paper towels instead of cloth since the later comes with the risk of transferring bacteria which cause infections. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Metals regarded as safe for body piercings include stainless steel, titanium or gold (14- or 18-karat). If noticed, have your piercing checked immediately. Expect to pay for both the piercing and the jewelry you pick. Do not touch your new belly piercing unless you are cleaning it but before you clean your piercing remember to wash your hands thoroughly and then don't touch your new piercing for any reason, just it alone. Unless you have an outie belly button or are getting a non-standard navel piercing, your piercer will likely insert the needle approximately 1/2 above your belly button, and then pull it out through the belly button cavity. This smaller jewelry style is perfect for those who lead a very active lifestyle or don't feel the need to show off their navel piercing all the time. Gently pat dry the area with a clean and disposable paper towel. You can then insert the taper into your piercing and use it to pull the rest of the jewelry through. Here's Everything You Need to Know. Infections are usually minor. In case they do not subside or occur past this initial stage, this may suggest an infection. You shouldnt apply tea tree oil directly to the piercing, however. Wearing too tight clothes also denies the piercing aeration and could result to irritation and itch. The short answer is: You can't, but the good news is you can find one at your local professional piercing parlor where a professional body piercer will determine the size, length, material and style of the belly ring that is the most compatible with your unique anatomy. Placement: Pierced through the skin right above the naval, with a true belly button piercing centered directly above the navel, Healing time: 6-8 months, fully healed by 12 months. Besides the fact that a healing piercing needs a strong immune system, your changing belly size will affect your new piercing, which could cause complications. It has to be sterilized to avoid transferring micro-organisms to the wound which could cause infections. Dont remove the jewelry if you suspect an infection, either except on medical advice. This is more so when the piercing is new since the area has to heal. Keeping your new belly piercing clean and leaving it alone is the best way to make sure your new piercing heals as fast as possible. Bellybutton piercing itching could also be experienced in old piercings after years of having it. Our dangle belly button rings feature a wide range of dangling charms and delicate chains interspersed with gems. While most belly button piercings heal without issues, bacteria can infect the area before healing is complete. Heres how to avoid it. You'll most likely find 14- and 16-gauge offered for this style, which hugs the navel and lays outward, so the side of the ring is showing. Swelling, reddening and bleeding slightly are also normal in the first days. Again, anytime theres an open wound on your body theres a risk of something funky getting in and creating an issue. An infection. Proper Aftercare: Proper aftercare is key to reducing the healing time and to keep your new belly piercing healthy. Another cause for itch could be too much rubbing by your clothing. Theres a whole spectrum of infection seen, from minor local skin infection to more severe infections that may require drainage, says Dr. Hodes. You can soak a sterile wash cloth in a saline solution, warm it and place it on the piercing. Bent barbells make ideal belly button jewelry because the shape is a good fit for the area being pierced. To allow drainage and facilitate healing, allow the ring to stay in. Step 5: Pay Your Piercer. This could be normal in the initial days of the piercing. While some peoples belly button piercings appear to be fully healed within 4-6 weeks, they actually need 3-6 monthsand sometimes up to a yearto heal completely, inside and out. First, youll want to make sure that your new jewelry is the same gauge as the jewelry youre removing. What Jewelry Material Is Used for a Belly Button Piercing? How much will it cost? Although rare from a piercing, an infection that takes root and rages could leave you with a fever and chills. That's why it's important to follow your piercer's aftercare instructions and know the signs and symptoms of a possible infection. This is why it is important to keep the piercing clean and avoid touching it with dirty hands. There is no specific timeline for the healing and closure of the piercing. When first getting your belly button piercing and during healing, it is best not to wear high waisted jeans as these will rub and put pressure on your piercing. Since the belly button does not heal fast, you will need to be patient enough and give it the necessary time for it to heal. : Our titanium belly button rings are made from pure elementsno coatings here! During the day, you can spritz or rinse your navel piercing regularly with a saline wash, like, You should also perform sea salt soaks at least twice per day. In case you are not sure, you can first settle for retainer jewelry before completely making up your mind. In the past, piercers used to tell people to turn their jewelry a couple of times a day to loosen up crusties, but thats no longer considered a healthy practice. If your navel appears healed after a month or two, chances are your piercing is going through a good stage of the healing period. Heres what to expect: Unlike pierced ears, which take 4-6 weeks to heal, your belly button may not fully heal for up to 1 year. After that, a hollow needle will be pushed through to create a hole in the designated spot, followed by the jewelry. Tips To Fasten The Healing Process. Once you are completely healed you can take as long as you want and there will be no adverse effects. However, its important to note that not everyone can get a belly button piercing. If you notice any of these symptoms or a combination of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as they may indicate an infection or other issues. JNP. Your piercing should be cleaned twice a day. Continued use of saline soaks can clear it. By looking at a picture, you can tell what stage of healing it is in. The spot may feel warm to the touch, too. That cute little ring decorating your tummy looks fantastic, too. Even if you have little to no swelling initially, you may have some before your belly button piercing is fully healed. Where can I get initial body jewelry you may ask? Belly buttons also tend to trap lint and dirt, making dedicated navel piercing aftercare extremely important. They however can be too much trouble if not well looked after. Its also less likely to ooze. You must wash your piercing twice daily with a salt solution and clean cotton swab to prevent bacterial growth and infection. It is recommended that you heal the infection without taking it out because when you remove it, the piercing will close and trap in the infection. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If youre still interested in a belly button piercing, the best place to start is to find a licensed, experienced piercer who will work with your anatomy to give you the best piercing. Be sure to check out our full online store for even more body jewelry options, and the PainfulPleasures community page for more information about piercings, body jewelry, and body modification. If youre really concerned about pain, you can ask your piercer to apply a topical anesthetic beforehand. Avoid all oils, balms, and creams! A navel piercing can accommodate many different types of body jewelry, and with the wide selection of belly button rings in our online store, youre sure to find the navel jewelry you want. Like seen earlier on, the piercing can take up to a year to heal. Non-dangle jewelry hugs closer to the belly button and is usually seen as a drop, hinge, or curved barbell. Some people develop atrophic scars after removing their belly button jewelry, which are recessed scars with a rough-textured surface that doesnt quite fill the hole where the piercing was. Halloran L. Body Piercing: Avoiding Complications. What is the Healing Process Like for Belly Button Piercings? Never choose a piercer who uses a piercing gun. From the best materials to use, to proper cleaning techniques, learn everything you need to know to get your piercing back to its best. While this may at times lead to infections, bad smell are not always indicative of infections. We hope this guide answered your questions and helped you better understand belly button piercings, the belly button piercing healing process, and the types of jewelry you can wear with a belly button piercing. That's why using initial body jewelry to get pierced with is the best way to speed up the healing process while reducing the risk of irritation and infection. Twice-a-day cleaning with a saltwater solution can help you resolve (and avoid) problems. Now that were well into the 21st century, more folks than ever are sporting this popular piercing. The area around the navel piercing is swollen. Prevent the piercing from exposure to dirt and sweat. The process was quick and almost painless. From dangling jewels to funky charms to glow-in-the-dark options, these belly button rings are sure to make an impression. Be sure to dry the area with a paper towel after, as a typical hand or bath towel could harbor bacteria. Loose clothes will also ensure that the wound breathes which is essential for its healing process. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Minnesota.
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