ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript

Oh, the horror! Seeing nobody, he wheels his bike in. When they hit, all the water is splashed upwards, and a bunch of buried treasure is revealed. [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. ]Eddy: "Hey, quit tossing my cookie! And? Good one, Marie. "Ed: "Do tell! See how the billboard and the postcard your brother sent you match? "Lee: "Grab the two squirts, girls. ]Jimmy: "Party at Kevin's, whee! "Jimmy: [after a pause] "Oh yay, Sarah! ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! Oh I love them to death I do! "Eddy: "Nope. Once the canteen is empty, he throws it and the cork over his shoulder. "[Sarah and Jimmy race to the sidewalk just in time to see the car go by, followed immediately by Kevin, on his bike; Rolf, on his pig; and Nazz, running after them. Marie? ]Edd: "You and your nefarious scams!!! Another. He fiddles around the eggs until he finds the one he wants. "Edd: [yelling from far away] "Assistance please! Nazz warms her hands by the fire. ]Sarah: "Let's go see, Jimmy! "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. ]Rolf: "Hmm. ]Edd: "May I borrow this, Ed?" Join. "[Ed puts some bread in a toaster and sets it to go off before grabbing a bag and stuffing it full. The car turns left, and Kevin follows. The wagon tips over, spilling its load behind May. "[Edd walks through the swamp until he reaches a dock. After doing so, he turns to the crowd.] [He tries, but almost falls off the rock. These bugs are like freaking me out! "Eddy: "Good idea! [Eddy chuckles. The car leaps into the air and slips upside down. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Who's an idiot? The factory awakens, grumbling into life. [He hugs his friend. ]Ed: [impressed] "Fancy trick, Eddy! "Ed: "No, no home should be without one, Eddy! "Eddy: [cowering] "Okay! "[Edd and Eddy each grab an arm and pull. When we follow it, we find it leads down into the earth into the Melon Cave. ]Eddy: "Lighten up, Sockhead. ], [Eddy peers over the steering wheel as they rush through the junkyard. ]Ed: "Look! It is with great sh-shame" [Edd puts down his pen and begins to cry. Kevin is spit out behind Nazz, and he runs over her with his bike sending her flying out of her pants. ]Ed: "I am Ed! [He grabs his hat back and cleans it.] He tugs on rubber gloves and a surgical mask before entering. "Eddy: "What, are you kiddin me? "Edd: [upset] "He is? "Sarah: "Let's have a picnic and watch! ]Captain Melonhead: [scared] "Plank!?!?" "Nazz: "Hmm? Catching a foul odor, he awakens. Eddy is on the right side and is forced to run with the car. ]Ed: "Eddy!" ]Eddy: "Double D! "Eddy: [whispering] "Yeah, well, I didn't see you stop me! ", [The factory bulges and explodes, raining down a tremendous amount of rubber snakes. [Ed gallops off, desperately searching for food. Okay then. ]Rolf: "Let Rolf rub the pit of victory, Ed-boy!" "Psst! "Nazz: "What? Like hop, skip, and no jump! "We'll never find my brother, Double D."Edd: "Never say never, Eddy. ]Edd: [staring at Ed] "Oh, umcute. "Where ya hidin at, ya big lug? Duck Boat? Do something! With Matt Hill, Sam Vincent, Tony Sampson, Keenan Christensen. [Eddy grins, glad his friends still accept him. [He hugs the sponges.] Cai! "Eddy! [He tosses it away. Ed! The third part is the section he punched, which remains stubbornly around his wrist. ]Jimmy: "My hero. "Pranks and puerile practical jokes at the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. "You won't be giggling when this unnamed device triangulates our position and gives us a precise heading to the true direction of the gag factory. "May: "No it's not. ], [A giant stack of items moves across the desert. ]Ed: "No! "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! "Eddy: "Yeah. They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. ]Edd: [gasping] "Private property? It creaks open a few inches, revealing that it is bolted numerous times. ]Edd: "NO! Where are ya? ]Jimmy: [after a moment of contemplation] "I hope Kevin knocks Eddy's teeth out!" ]Eddy: "What's with my brother and these stupid bricks?! They come to the front door and skid to a halt; something outside is hammering on it, trying to get in. "Lee: "He's mine!" Find me an omelette, Ed! "[Ed darts around the room, trying to find shelter. [He yawns.] ]Kevin: [ranting] "I can't believe it! [getting on Wilfred] "There is no escaping the son of a shepherd!" ]Eddy: "Surprised you didn't run out of paint. [Marie hits her with a giant bag of soap. Jimmy falters and falls. ]Eddy's Brother: "Park don't open till noon. ]Ed: "Stop! "[The kids strain at the door. ]Edd: "Ed! "Edd: [sweating profusely] "Yes. [He shows them the alarm.] ]Rolf: "Wilfred! I just wanted to see Ed, Edd n Eddy get clobbered! ]Kevin: "How do you like your faces? [He strides towards the trailer. "[Eddy chases Ed off a cliff. Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. "Lee: "I said move" [Lee realizes what Sarah said.] Back, I say! Say, let's go to my place! "[Kevin puts his arm around her, and Nazz reciprocates. Enough!" They pass by a mountain of trash. "[Eddy gets thrown against the door to the trailer. [Edd stares at the board in quiet contemplation. "Edd: "But Eddy, your brother's always been somewhat of an enigma! "[A thump comes and they turn to the source. Arr! "Edd: "Lost souls are we, gentlemen, doomed for eternity!" Nazz is smiling until a bug hits her. ]Ed: [eyes rolled back in his skull] "If looks could kill, I'd be dead. He does, but in the process loses his hat. They find the room, and Eddy begins to open the door. "Oh, pardon me. "[The Kankers jump his hero. "Buddy? The car goes off a mountain of trash and this acts like a ramp. [Rolf's stack falls on him. "Edd: "Stand clear, gentlemen! ]Kevin: "I just don't get her, man. "[Rolf climbs down. ]Jonny: "Hang on buddddyyyy! "Ed: "Cheap movie. "[A memory hits Ed. [He hugs them close.] The car, having jumped somehow, lands on the fences bordering the lane. "Eddy's Brother: "Just for old times' sake, let's playUncle. ]The Eds: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! The cork lodges in Wilfred's nose, and the pig begins to snort. We need to figure out where those foul-ups took off to and head em off. When he clambers back on, he tries another position, but this one hurts his back.] The scam, my brotherthiswhen am I gonna learn, Double D?" As it was the series' final . Later. I've got nothing to go on!" "[Ed runs off. Rolf, meanwhile, lets out a piercing whistle, and his pig gallops up. "You're awesome. Knock yourself out, Dutch. She finds the dumpster with Rolf's indentation and stops. Reaching into his hat, he pulls out his labeler and starts to make a label as he walks towards the trunk. "[Eddy steps out with a cleaver buried in his forehead. "Sarah: "What the heck? Bouncing off that, he flies into the air and falls into a wheelbarrow full of clothes. "[Sarah growls, but then gets an idea. His friends are snoring as well. [He jumps.] ], [Wilfred has come to rest under a tree and is chewing on some sausages. "Edd: "Edifying." "Edd: "Coleoptera Lampyridae, Ed. "[Ed and Eddy are sinking in quicksand. They clamber on and ride out of the sunflower patch. My big bro would never let anything happen to me, and I'll tell you whatI'll put in a good word for you two. "[Eddy is about to knock when a hand grips his shoulder and yanks him away. "Edd: [realizing they've gone off a cliff] "Stop!" ]Nazz: "Kevin! "Edd: "It's just that it's difficult for me to sleep in an unlabeled environment. ]Marie: "Yeah, you heard her. Eddy looks in, and an arm reaches out from inside the jacket and grabs him. ]Eddy: "It wasn't my fault, I swear!" "May: "Aw, he's squirming! Ed has just burst out of the house. Ed! "[Eddy's feet pound the ground as he races to escape Kevin. [He shows off a postcard.] "Ed: "Nighty night! "[The egg finishes cooking, and Rolf picks it up. "[Kevin slams them a third time, and this time they spin in circles. [The bucket hits the wagon and boomerangs back to hit May in the back of her head.] ]Rolf: "Stay back, or you will meet Rolf's shoe!" Are you aware of the consequences we're about to endure? "Ed: "shortest elephant!" What? "Ed: [leaping out] "Down for Ed, Double D!" The wind blows, and some dandelion seeds come loose and float to another lawn, where a checkers game seems to have been in progress. [Ed crawls from the swamp.] "Marie: "I got em, Lee! "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! The door won't hold for much longer! Rolf seems to have been mowing the lawn before suddenly stopping for some unknown reason. ]Eddy's Brother: "Uuuuhhhh.unnnccclllleeee." Whaddya think they did this time, Jimmy? ]Eddy: "Breakfast? [She holds her arms out for a hug. Leave our friends alone!" [He laughs as he runs away from Ed. All three Kankers look up. "[Plank, ripped and torn and almost destroyed, tumbles onto the windshield. We then see the ants again before getting a long shot of the destroyed area. "Hang on, man! ]Rolf: "Yes! "[Ed runs faster and faster, spinning the wheel at incredible speed. [He runs off. He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. I didn't mean to hurt you guys! Following said trail, we find some broken chalk, two abandoned shoes, a skateboard with the wheels still rolling, and a dropped ice-cream cone on which ants are crawling.Lightning flashes, and we see the lane, utterly destroyed. [throws her sisters in the air] "Move it! "Help me out of this molasses, it's trying to swallow me. I'll split it with ya. I still have bad dreams, and my mom had to buy a mattress cover! ]Eddy: [annoyed] "Where's your fauna now, Mr. By the time you read this, I will be longfaroh, dear." "[Wilfred noses into the bushes and peeps out. Seeing his bike about to topple, he panics. The floor opens beneath the chairs and they drop. "May: [to Ed] "They were chasing you to beat you up! May tumbles off, and the wagon sails forwards towards Lee. "Together, we will exact revenge, on the entire cul. Sarah looks at the ladybug.] Once he absorbs this, he runs to catch up to them. GO HOME! Quit freaking me out, Plank!" ]Eddy: "Ed! How did it go so wrong? Perhaps more conservative, yes?" "Ed: "I upped your chuck, Eddy! Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. ]Sarah: "Get off me, lemme go! "Kevin: "No way. TAKE ME!" ]Ed: "I will eat you now! In this category are the full scripts for episodes of Ed, Edd n Eddy. ]Edd: "Beloved parents. "Edd: "Thank you, Eddy! See? "Edd: [chuckling] "Agamushin. "Eddy: [tugging on the doors] "HEY BIG BRO! ], [The Eds are walking through another wooded area. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. The destination name changes from 160 Downtown to VENGEANCE. Suddenly, a loud snorting catches their attention. "[The Eds look up and spot Wilfred's tail acting like a bottle opener on the roof. "[The Eds see a shadow pass by the blinds. ]Eddy: [grinning] "Gotcha." What are you doing here? "Eddy: [confused] "Girlfriend? "Jimmy: "I'm not gonna make it, Sarah! He then proceeds to descend down a bunch of stairs that look like melons. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "My melon rind senses trouble, chum!" "[Two masked figures leap from the bus and rush towards Eddy. You're it! Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his . "[Edd and Eddy stumble backwards and trip over the rug. "Eddy: "It don't. "Eddy: "Trespass, schmespass. ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. You're so neeve. He's always been little. This is accentuated when he runs into a tree. Kevin quickly runs back. ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dude!" "[Rolf takes out a key and unlocks a suitcase. "Eddy: "Snore! "See ya. "Edd: "Ed, comic book, please. "[He notices the "Out of Order" label Edd stuck on the trunk. "Eddy: [tearing the comic away] "Lemon Brook? It's gone! ]Sarah: [gleefully] "Yowzers! I just made things up so people would like me. Boxes stuffed with stuff! [A ladybug crawls onto Jimmy. Eddy's brother removes his shades. For what, I don't know. He takes another box out and opens it, revealing six eggs. Bad! That I'm here to impress your brother?" "Lee: "Quit your squawkin and keep it movin!" ]Kevin: "You dorks ain't seen the last of me!!! Its doors open and we see our heroes, ready to venture into the world so they may find and defeat the villainous scumbags Ed, Edd, and Eddy. [He tosses it in the sand.] Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. They are but a few blocks from Mondo A-Go Go.]. [He removes his gloves.] [helping Edd up] "Don't answer that. "[Kevin ducks behind him. [He walks off. [He smiles sadistically. Do something! That one day these short-sighted sophomoric shell games would go too far!" I DON'T BLAME YA! "Lee: "Yeah! "Eddy: "Why you dirty"Ed: "Tag! ]Eddy: "More bricks, Double D! Wilfred is the first to fly off. [He spins it.] Kevin skids his bike to a stop. "Nazz: "What was up with that? Tears of gratitude fill Jimmy's eyes. This happens numerous times as the kids watch, shocked. Everyone loves us! "Eddy: "And away we go! All three Eds are sweating as they listen for any noise. "[Behind Rolf's back is a shoe. [His friends stare at him. ]Rolf: "Leave some produce for Rolf!" "Rolf: "Rolf will use their hides as a crutch for Nana's goiter! [She turns the camera to Jimmy, who is dressed like a pirate.] "Eddy: [taking out his wallet] "Ta-da!" Kevin's stomach rumbles, and he moves closer to Nazz. "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. "Eddy: "Those chumps'll never catch us now! As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. "Ed: [cheering] "WE ARE FRIENDS ONCE MORE, GUYS!" "May: "Baby's mine! She and Jimmy have been forced to drag the Kankers' wheelbarrow along, acting like horses for the Kankers. "May: "Looks like someone left something in their pocket! [He grins insanely.] A rare moment where Eddy shows concern about one of his friends. I'm so sorry! ]Edd: [exiting the office] "Have you two forgotten why we're here?" My Melon Vision! ]Edd: "Motels cost money, Eddy." Goodness gracious, when will this day of malfunction and mishap" [He realizes his friends haven't come out from under the board.] "To Eddy's big bro's house!" [He walks over to Edd. "]Edd: "There." Do you see him?" ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." "Eddy: [angry] "I thought you were making a boat! "Ed: "Autograph, Eddy! "[Ed trips over the vacuum and lands on Eddy. ]Eddy: "Oh, Ed" [He holds out the item.] "Where ya goin? ]Edd: "An appropriate place as any, I suppose. He gets close, and pulls on Wilfred's ears to coax out more speed. Jonny! I demand you tickle each other right now! "Edd: "It's quite simple, Ed. [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. [He throws it back down. ]Eddy: "Super sweet! You're headin back into the swamp!" [He picks up the note, folds it, and puts it in the trash along with many other failed attempts before starting again.] All 3 are tied up. Eddy, belly sad!" [play-fighting with Ed] "You dirtyah-ha!" The Eds reach Peach Creek Estates and blast through it, on the way wrecking some of the incomplete structures. I think I'm gonnaBLLAAAH!" "Sarah: "I don't know, Jimmy. By this time, each shot is thrown so hard that it nearly knocks the trailer over. Rolf will unearth the Ed-boys and squash them like the parasite that infests Wilfred's tuchis! Sarah and Jimmy peek out from behind a house. [unwrapping the caramel apple] "See? No! About the ending of Big Picture Show. "Eddy: "This comic's useless!" [He grabs Eddy's leg.] "Thank you! "[Ed chuckles, pulls up his shirt, and begins to drum on his belly. Nothing to fear." "[Ed jerks his fingers back as the window closes. "May: "Who doesn't? ]Rolf: "Rolf will draw forth the pitchfork of retribution!" "[Edd grabs onto Eddy and pulls, trying to work the grate loose. "Nazz: "That'd be the last thing they'd do. Coincidentally, this happens to have a large paddlewheel contraption. ", [Ed's head slams into the door to the factory before finally breaking through. Whoa. It hits a tree and lodges there. AAH! "Ed: "The evil dark side has consumed them both! "Shoulda stayed at that motel. ]Rolf: "Run like my worn stockings, Wilfred! He slips into it and enters an elevator. [turning to go in the other direction] "Ssh! ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. [reaching him] "Are you all right? [She hurries after him. Top posts november 2nd 2020 Top posts of november, 2020 Top posts 2020. "Eddy: [turning to face him, confused] "My shirt? Jimmy peeks out and sees Lee pin an undershirt to the wire. He grabs his sidekick and takes off. Rolf lifts the pig and tears the roof on, and the faces of the Eds' enemies leer in. The lights come on and a bell rings. "Ed: "Oh, let me, Eddy! Icky! [Eddy grabs Ed, and all three fall to earth. [Ed begins to giggle.] ]Lee: "What a deadbeat this guy turned out to be. ]Edd: "Yes, well, where could one groom this tendency to pranks and puerile practical jokes? [Wilfred noses at Jimmy. But they have yet to feel the wrath of this SON OF A SHEPHERD! ]Rolf: "Wilfred! "[As he storms off, Eddy's eyes fill with tears. Spotting Sarah and Jimmy, he jumps up and grabs his sponges. Jonny then runs up carrying Plank. ]Kevin: "Bad for the paint, y'know? At this, Wilfred's eyes widen, and he charges. ]Ed: "Dive, captain, dive! "Trouble! "Sarah: [lifting Jimmy's chains] "Move it, Jimmy! These should prove quite comforting, and I am a bit peckish." Behind the pool is a clothesline, strung with clothes. ]Eddy's Brother: [laughing] "Why's your girlfriend wearing a sock on her head? End of the line, dorks!" This is the transcript for the scene where Jonny and Plank take the bus and the heroes are in the swamp in Tino Tonitini, Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show. Moo-moos there! "Uncle! Suddenly, Kevin throws her off. Eddy proceeds to do all the locks. And they wanna beat me up! ], [Outside the Melon Cave, a tree stump's top slides open and two heroes burst out. Where are we going? ]Nazz: "Ow! Where are the Duke of Deli Meat's hearty edibles? "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Whaddya mean we ain't gettin anywhere? "Eddy: "We did it, Double D! "I've followed all the rules! "[Sarah grabs the paint and proceeds to slam it down onto Lee's hand. "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. ", [Rolf is looking through his shed. ]Edd: "Eddy! "Edd: "The collision was unavoidable, Eddy! [Wilfred squeals.] Knock yourself out. "Eddy: "Heck yeah! "Eddy: "Just keep your eyes peeled, chuckles. "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" As if our laundry wasn't dirty enough! "I'm returning home! The door bursts open behind them, but the Eds continue running. ]Rolf: "Prepare for Rolf's water-laden bovine bladder! ]Edd: "The window! "[Edd tries to get loose. He looks over to Ed, who is trying to get the camel to run. ]Captain Melonhead: "Whoa." "Eddy: [trying again] "It ain't workin! ]Eddy: [laughing] "What a chump!" "Lee: "Get in line, girls. What's it called? "[Splinter the Wonderwood is nowhere to be found. Rolf will interrogate this caboodle of bovine discord. ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? Aw, bro, what'd I do without you?" "Ed: [laughing and mocking him] "Aah! [He grabs Eddy. Kevin sticks his head in. The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. Quotes / Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Analysis Awesome Characters Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Laconic NightmareFuel Quotes Recap TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV VideoExamples Create New Edd and Eddy fight. ]Edd: "Oh, now look what we've done! [Jonny sneaks away.] [He and Nazz leaps into the fray. ]Edd: "Ed? "Ah, success. "[Captain Melonhead stumbles through a veritable jungle of legs, looking all over for his best friend. "Edd: "You mean all this time"Ed: "That's more blubber than my mom's got! Spotting the steaming engine, Rolf cracks the egg on it; the egg begins to fry. See me?!?" Uncle uncle! When a scam goes horribly wrong and leaves the neighborhood kids furious, the Eds embark on a journey to find Eddy's brother in the "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" series finale. Ed, Edd N Eddy Sesong 1-6 + Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show. ]Rolf: "Ah ha. ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. "[Kevin opens a drawer and finds a bunch of chattering teeth. Ed starts to chase him.] [He joins in the attack. The rope tightens and the melon begins to move, coming forward until it hits a mailbox. 12.7K ViewsDec 4, 2021. ]Ed: [showing off his artwork] "I drew a picture for your brother, Eddy! IT'S ME! [Ed is pointing at a whale-shaped trailer.] "Eddy: "My bro's got a billion cows. Spying the candy store, he decides to check the gumball machine. ]Kevin: "Gah! "Breakfast for Ed, Eddy!" "Edd: "That's quite a coincidence. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: Writers Edition! [He collapses. Once finished, he moves out and grabs the bucket, not noticing that Wilfred has walked off. Stripes. "Ssh!" "Edd: [reading] "In case of movie, break glass? He slowly stops and looks from side to side. ]Nazz: [angry] "How's your bike?! He spots it and tries to run through it but instead runs into the bricks that make up his basement. When he makes it to the front, he clings to a pole for dear life. [from a telephone pole] "BRO! "A stubborn lid, this." [He picks up Eddy.] Can I join you? Wait! Eddy's brother will murder us if he finds out we're after his little brother! "Ed: [on the camel] "Over here, guys! A secret door opens in front of him on the branch he is balanced on. "[Rolf begins to pant. Help me! It doesn't go that way! "Stop! "Eddy: "No! ]Jimmy: "Forest imps! ]Eddy: "What's that stupid thing? ]Rolf: "The Ed-boys think they have played Rolf as a phony baloney. He spins it rapidly, pulling Eddy inside. It says so on my comic book!" "Eddy's Brother: "Pipsqueak? Repost is prohibited without the creator's permission. "[The Kankers turn to the fiery-headed newcomer. "[Edd rushes away. "Ed: "Does it hurt, Double D? [He takes the card.] About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. This is all my fault! Nazz sees this. "Marie: "Yeah!" Was that you? "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. Rolf, dazed by the blow, staggers around in the middle of the road. "[A huge explosion rocks the set. "Jimmy: "Okay. "[May and Marie shake off their daze and run after their sister. He finds the employee file and opens it, only to dump the contents out; they're so old, they have crumbled into dust. Who's after our boyfriends! "Eddy: "Uncle! ]Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, where you going?" We're finally in, baby! ]Eddy: "Ed!" "Sarah: [annoyed as she walks towards the others] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! ]Eddy: "My eyes! A voice speaks from it, and the Eds start in fear. But Vekar's Cyber Squad's members: Kilobot, Labyrinth, Vanny, and the Panthogerms are working with Eddy's Brother to destroy Peach Creek as they'll chase them up . ]Rolf: "ED-BOYS! "Lee: "What's he doin to my man! ]Rolf: "Hal-low. They enter the lane and come to a fence. "Ed: [scared] "Too high guys! ]Edd: "Mondo A-Go Go. ]Ed: "Eddy!" As he does so, he knocks a string of sausages loose. [She pins Edd against the trailer.] ]Eddy: [tapping the jar] "So these things know where my bro lives?" "[The kids rumble towards the Eds. ]Edd: "Is anyone there? Do not let your mutated lump slow you down! ]Eddy: "Glutton." "[The two crash into a peach shed. "Jimmy: [following Sarah] "Did we miss the Eds beating? Big bro says so. ]Eddy: "Too late! Um, fellows! ]Edd: "Gotcha! You're sinking in QUICKSAND!! "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines. "[The roof tears off, and Rolf, Nazz, Jonny, and Plank fly away. Suddenly, it bursts open, scattering its contents all over the room. Another machine is turning on. Bad!" Edd joins them. "Ed: [uprooting a tree] "What? ]Eddy: "RUN DOUBLE D! "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. He scores a direct hit, and the two fall into the water at the waterfall's base. Edd heaves himself out from under it. ]Edd: [stepping over Ed] "Excuse me, Ed." ]Sarah: [annoyed] "What's the matter, Jimmy? What are you doing?" "[Nazz shoves him away from the bike, grabs it, and runs with it. Inside, the lights switch on. "Lee: "Nobody's askin, Marie!" If I might partake in this chat? [He selects his usual tie. "[Edd leans out the window and grabs onto the merry-go-round. "Ed: [running around] "Eddy's big bro! ]Edd: "Eddy, look! [Edd takes it from Ed. [He yawns. He hits what looks like a fire alarm and slides down. "[Eddy waves the flies away. ]Sarah: "Ew, that's so gross! "Eddy: "Hit him with something, Ed! What? ], Voice Actors:Matt Hill (Ed)Samuel Vincent (Edd)Tony Sampson (Eddy)Keenan Christensen (Jimmy)David Paul Grove (Jonny)Janyse Jaud (Sarah, Lee)Kathleen Barr (Kevin, Marie)Erin Fitzgerald (Nazz, May)Peter Kelamis (Rolf)Terry Klassen (Eddy's Brother), Character/Prop Design:Cory ToomeyHyuck Lee, Additional Storyboard Artists:Sabrina AlberghettiSheranne JohnsonSimon Piniel, Supervising Animation Director:Marlene Robinson May, Exposure Sheet Directors:Ron CampbellSherann JohnsonKaren PetersonMarlene Robinson May, Animation Directors:Kwang Jin KimChul Ki Kwon, Assistant to the Animation Director:Theresa Pukarnyk, Sound Effects Editors:Jeff DavisDean GiammarcoBill Sheppard, Dialogue Editors:Johnny LudgateJeremy Duayne Elzinga, Audio Technical Support:Gordon SprouleRobert Hunter, Studio Audio Assistants:David LivingstoneElla Pincknery. ]Ed: "They got me, guys!" "Kevin: [oblivious] "Oh, hey Nazz. ]Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "What? Nazz's gag falls off]Eddy's Brother: "Just a sec." Rolf's tractor is sitting abandoned in a field of weeds. I don't get it. This is followed in short order by several more. "Ed: "Ooh ooh oh! [Suddenly, he grabs his stomach.] [Ed falls out of the car.] ]Sarah: "Gee, Lee, I love your toenail polish! When this doesn't work, she throws them on the kindling. Edd stops in his tracks.] ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? [He turns Ed in the right direction.] [He approaches some stairs.] "The Eds did something really bad! I gotcha! ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" When he finally does so, he tries to lift it, but finds it too heavy. "Edd: "I'd rather face my consequences, Ed, than wander aimlessly with a so-called friend! Finders keepers!" ]Eddy: "Our problems are over, boys!" "Kevin: "Get a grip, Nazz! "Ed: "Yeah, Eddy. The pig lands on the roof, and Rolf lands on the hood. Rolf fears a omen has befallen us." Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (2009)_005275.jpg: 25-Mar-2023 04:00: 86.9K: Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture . Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is a 2009 animated road comedy television film based on the animated series Ed, Edd n Eddy. "Jimmy: "Whatever it was, it must be worser than ever! "Eddy: [bats his eyes before leaping into the air] "Bro!" [Jimmy's pants split, revealing his teddy bear underwear.] It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. Nazz and Jonny rejoin the chase. "Aaaandaction! Nazz slams it shut, and a label reading "Dusty Dusty Dusty" peels off. [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. ]Edd: "A whale?" [He pauses and realizes he can step out of Kevin's grasp. ]Kevin: "DOOOOORRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!" The swing responds by ascending skyward, and another one descends, carrying a replica of Jonny and Plank.

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ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript