ascension symptoms march 2021

Theres no doubt left anymore about whos currently ascending, whos descending, whos waffling, whos come unglued mentally/emotionally, and who are unknowingly fighting the entire evolutionary Ascension Process. Absolutely every evolutionary change that ascending humanity is now having to live through is not just alittle bit of change, but a complete 180 change, plus massive evolutionary frequency increases from how it has been and that puts a tremendous amount of stress and strain on people, their consciousness, bodies, CNS, psyche and all else. The short answer to your question "do we leave the body on the shift into 5D" is yes, AND no! This is to be expected however when individualsand now global humanityexperience living the Alchemical transformations personally. Understand, this is more about you than them so learn, discern and grow through this extremely important transit. Intense hunger. This, along with an increasing exhaustion from the ever more energy sucking working conditions I'm in meant that I reached a point last week where I had to kick everyone out and just be with myself. We can and will because were functioning from, living within, existing and Working from Triality frequency. Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20.2 years is about global humanity learning how to be leaderless, self-governing, self-regulating, empowered NEW Humans on an ascending high frequency planet Ive been calling NEW Earth. Hence you'll likely get encouraged to move around through the soul's journey, but nevertheless, personally I find this immediate external space sacrosanct and if there's nothing of "me" getting in the way, it will always recreate. This latest early 2023 greater Embodiment unification is undeniable. Besides just our physical ages, more of us elder natal Pluto in Leo Volunteers will be dying and exiting during this Pluto in Aquarius transit. Im talking to you not so Golden Age of Gaia site owner & sitecrew andanyone else continuing to do this in 2023. How Can I learn the Philosophy of Openhand?Openhand Evolutionary Book Series. And often accompanying these symptoms is the emotional overwhelm sensation and sudden weeping. Its astonishing to experience in and through my physical body and HighHeart Self, the building and physical level manifesting of ascending NEW Humans and NEW Earth. I want to stress how huge and reality-altering these two particular upcoming astrological sign changes and transits are. I used to absolutely adore science and exploring the world in that way and now, its like my entire framework for understanding has been toppled like a house of cards and I dont know which way is up or how to reorient myself in a way that lets me actually live my life effectively. This week my article is going to be a much needed Energy Update. At first, its terrifying, but with repeated trips it becomes easier and less traumatic until eventually you find it an exciting challenge to go on another Plutonian deep dive into darkness to excavate, retrieve, clear, transmute and transcend whatever it is. Ive mentioned this before but it needs repeating. After many years of not clairvoyantly Seeing this single periwinkle sphere, it suddenly showed up again in October 2022. It often happens that some people choose to die and exit physicality during Eclipses. Because of this 2023 shift for global humanity into the higher NEW, more of the old lower negative stuff, etheric devices, tools, parasites and all else is being ousted and purged from our physical and etheric bodies and our world reality. Very biblical. Point is that since around October of 2022, the Sun has been helping us rapidly purge very old negative distortions and limitations etc. Over the past few years, I repeatedly written about how the ascension Divine Mother Feminine is anything but goddess like, warm and fuzzy, plump and cuddly etc. And that is exactly what it felt like it did to the top of my head as well. Whilst we may feel a heartfelt intention to begin the shift, it's not something we can magically click our fingers and it's all done in an instant. Dont get hung up or fixate on it. Doing the inner work and being quiet was hard at first, yet comes naturally to me, even working with the inner child. Be wise, honest, aware and safe. As previously mentioned, transiting Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20.2 years, with no further retrogrades back into Capricorn from November 2024 through January 2044. There are plenty of other personal things about transiting Saturn in Pisces and there are many excellent astrologers and sites to get more personal information about this transit. This can happen through an effective inquiry technique - so it's not about thinking we have to tell people the answer. Lengthy orbits move stars, suns and planets etc. My first sense about transiting Saturn in Pisces for these next 23 ascension years was here comes the long-awaited end of the profound negativity done globally throughout the 2,100+ yearlong astrological Age of Pisces. Nevertheless, that wont happen to, in, or through humans currently in the process of becoming ascending NEW Humans of NEW Earth. This prepares you for the final shift that will take place on the earth where the great purification happens - a convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole shift sequences which will cleanse the lower 3D world completely. The Saturn in Pisces transit will end old global patriarchal Church and the Pluto in Aquarius transit will end old global patriarchal State. Some of you reading this were also deliberated incarnated in ancient Egypt and other important locations on the planet around 13,000 years ago. In terms of accessing 5D consciousness, here's an Openhand article on that with 4 essential keys Transitioning to 5D Consciousness What do You Focus on? Not with words, I mean I get the words in my mind on my side translated for my thinking but I can tell what plants and rocks are saying. We no longer exist in the old lower Duality frequencies so astrology in general needs to be understood from this higher octave of growing human consciousness and existence. What I realized in those brief moments staring at it and it at me was significant and revelatory. * Tooth aches (no pain, just aching an itchy)- wisdom teeth in particular? In the past pre-ascension times, anyone could join some group/tribe/clan/pack/gang and be absorbed into it and parasited by it. Greetings Mila - welcome to Openhand and to the Ascension. The less old separation there is, the more powerful everything naturally becomes. And yes, Ive said before what a ridiculous term First Everythinger is, but its accurate. This is part of the Ascension Process as well because Earth/Gaia has ascended too and is still living this process. 2023 is this but much stronger and faster than what weve been experiencing since 19981999. This is what theascended high frequency Age of Aquarius Uranus / Leo Sun is all about. Some people will die and exit this world via these Eclipses, while those of us that remain will feel the evolutionary stress and strain of becoming much more of our greater, higher Selves in these physical bodies, identities and individual sense of self. All revenue is reinvested to help others in their journey of Spiritual Evolution. Then again in December 2022, on my birthday I was forced to go to a local Urgent Care because this side effect had gotten infected and was very painful. Again, this isnt new news, just news about how big of a chunk it was this time. All Rights Reserved. I have no idea how to adjust, adapt or properly account for this change in my understanding of reality the strain of trying to integrate it into my life feels like its burning me out. But as you explore into these, then it takes you on a journey back to the source of you inside - the "Seer" of all things. 0:26. Turned out my chocolate addictionand the damage and pain it causedwas something spawned and maintained by this ravenous etheric parasite entity. Its been Pluto, Lord of the Underworld thats reinforced those ascension Volunteers capable of doing that awful ascension energy Work to repeatedly go into the residual 26,000-yearlong Dark of 3D physical and 4D astral filth, energetic obscenities, historic crime scenes, global human suffering and etheric entrapments to do ascension LIGHTWORK. There are physical parasites AND there are etheric parasites. Its sometimes helpful to reread my posts in monthly order throughout a whole year because each month is like a different chapter in the book of that particular year. If you re-read 2022 Purge Work of Ancient Negative Divine Mother Distortions youll see I mentioned getting tiny watery pimples??? A short note about the latest extra-large magnetic chunk that fell away Saturday, February 4, 2023. This is not a little bit of evolution, not a little bit of progress and change for people and the global human collective, but amassiveunimaginable evolutionary leap from complete darkness and global negativity, duality, separation, dis-empowerment, corruption, distortions, lies about everything, weakness and sickness in all ways up to,humanity evolving from negativity, darkness and total separation in all ways up to Light and Unity in all ways individually and collectively. Saturn does NOT retrograde back into Aquarius but remains in Pisces from March 7, 2023 through February 2026. It was repulsive, on top of that it HATED me with an inorganic parasitic vengeance! weve each collected on our lengthy travels through physical incarnations across time on Earth and elsewhere. That was my version of a big hearts up about these NEW template layer additions this year. Then if you resonate with the approach, do get involved with Openhand's 5D Ascension Program, it's crafted to guide people progressively through the process Getting there but by bit, everything you said is happening I'm blown away it's a miracle and I've only just begun! 6. This is what weve been Working towards for so long, and now that its here, we have to live through it. New Embodiment Pains In 2021. This is now a single energy happening, not a long drawn-out 1 2 Duality punch process as it often felt to many during Phase 1 of the evolutionary Ascension Process. Let your old habits and beliefs about all things male/female, masculine/feminine, Mars/Venus, the Sun/Moon, the four elements and all other old separations of our past freely go during the next six months. Its time has expired, so those energy layers have been in an ongoing process of deconstruction because were ascending to, evolving to a higher rung on the great spiral. Many Team Dark alien creations are an inorganic entity of sorts with AI. HOLD the higher NEW for all. I'm having pretty much all of those symptoms listed above. It certainly sounds as if we die and become new. Ascension Symptoms You Might Be Experiencing: headaches blurred vision ringing in ears throat irritation or needing to clear throat often heart palpitations In reply to Questions by Mallory (not verified). We continue orbiting further into it. Infusing our old carbon-based template bones with higher frequency NEW crystalline Light energies was no physical walk in the park, but weve embodied much NEW Light into them nonetheless. This is why the Sun has changed color from yellow-gold to silvery-white.]. Those symptoms might have affected you in I sincerely hope that all of 2023 does not require my, and your, fantabulous abilities of vanquishing filthy evil into sparkling unicorn glitter but who knows?

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